Halloween Electrical Safety Tips and Tricks

Halloween Electrical Safety Tips and Tricks

Halloween is a time for festive decorations, lots of sweet treats, and showing off your spooky side. But did you know that between the years 2014-2018 there were around 770 house fires that occurred from electricity and Halloween decorations that were set up improperly?

Decorating your house without taking the proper safety precautions could ruin your holiday season. Simple Decorations like Halloween lights can cause a devastating house fire.

Taking the time to ensure that your electrical setup is safe this Halloween, will ensure that you and your loved ones are protected from unforeseen hazards.

Here are some electrical safety tips to help you stay safe this Halloween.

Electrical Setup Safety

When setting up your decorations for Halloween, be sure to inspect all power cords for splitting, fraying, and other damage. Replace decorations with damaged cords. Cords with exposed wires can easily shock you or your loved ones and can cause sparks that lead to fires.

Make sure that your power outlets have clearance from debris and other things that could burry or cover them. Take the time to ensure that your power cords are able to stay dry in case of wet conditions.

Don’t plug everything into one outlet. Overloading a power outlet can cause overheating. Organize power cords so that they are out of the way of unsuspecting feet and trick-or-treaters.

Keep Electricity Where it Belongs

Protect your outlets with ground-fault circuit interrupters. These can ensure that the power shuts off in the event that stray electricity gets past the insulation. This can cause severe shocks, fires, and electrical burns.

Taking the time to make sure that your power outlets have a proper GFCI can ensure that there are no live wires for you or your family to encounter. There are many types of GFCI to protect any type of outlet you have, with portable options for on-the-go use.

If you’re unsure of whether your power outlets are protected with a GFCI, contact your local electrical engineer to find out what your options are.

Make Sure Your Decorations Are Spooky and Not Dangerous

When setting up your Halloween decorations, make sure that there aren’t any fabric components that come into contact with the power outlets or wires that aren’t insulated properly.

Make sure that your Halloween decorations are made to be outside and can handle weather conditions. Using decorations meant for indoor use can cause them to deteriorate quickly and become unsafe.

If your decoration has a battery, make sure that the battery isn’t resting on the decoration without the proper housing. Batteries that aren’t contained are at risk of overheating or leakage.

Halloween decorations that are flammable or whispy should be kept away from power cords as well as candles and jack-o-lanterns.

Make This Halloween One to Remember!

Halloween is a time to relax and have fun, not one where you want to have to worry about electricity. Taking the time and proper precautions with your electrical setup will make setting up your decorations a breeze this Halloween.

At Omega Electrical & Mechanical Engineering we can help you put your best foot forward when it comes to electrical safety. Contact us today and find out how we can help you!