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Why Swamp Coolers Are Still Popular

Why Swamp Coolers Are Still Popular

In our local El Paso region, we often come across homes that don’t want to use refrigerated air in their homes and use swamp coolers instead. This is primarily because of the climate we have year-round. Refrigerated air comes in handy for humid areas, and sure, it does great with our dry heat as well. […]

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HVAC Maintenance Tips For Spring 2021

HVAC Maintenance Tips For Spring 2021

With spring just around the corner in the Sun City, the temperature has been slowly climbing. This means that dormant air conditioning systems are coming back to life all across the desert city, as they are called to battle sweltering heat once more. However, without attention to detail and proper maintenance, your HVAC system may […]

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What Your Flickering Lights are Telling You

What Your Flickering Lights are Telling You

Flickering lights can be a huge eyesore. They mess with your eyesight and it’s just simply a nuisance to have to deal with. You replace your light bulbs and you’re good to go. But then you see them flickering again. This might be due to an underlying problem. Just because your light is flickering doesn’t […]

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Save In The New Year With Our Energy-Savings Tips!

Save In The New Year With Our Energy-Savings Tips!

Here at Omega Electrical, we love to talk about saving on your energy bills. Whether it be during the holiday season or throughout the rest of the year, there’s always a handful of great tips and tricks to keep that bill on the lower end. Now that we’re a month into this new year, we […]

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4 Major Items To Have During A Power Outage

4 Major Items To Have During A Power Outage

You can never really know for sure when a power outage is going to strike. However, you can always prepare for one. Power outages most often happen when extreme weather rolls in. No matter what the case is, it’s always a major inconvenience. All households rely on electricity. Thankfully, when you’re stocked with the proper […]

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How to Save on Your Electricity Bills This Holiday Season

How to Save on Your Electricity Bills This Holiday Season

Although it may not feel like it, winter is nearly here. With temperatures in El Paso remaining at a comfortable 70° Fahrenheit, give or take a few degrees, for the past few days, it almost feels as if this is the winter weather we should come to expect for the next few months. But one […]

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What To Know About Your Home Electricity

What To Know About Your Home Electricity

Most people move into a home and don’t think much about their home electricity. If it works, then it works. If not, you call the electric company or an electrician. Or at least you’re supposed to. When your home electricity goes out, or outlets begin to give you issues, there are some things you should […]

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Why Get Heater Maintenance Done NOW

Why Get Heater Maintenance Done NOW

It’s nearing the end of warmer months and getting closer to some colder weather. As we transition into the winter months, it’s time to make sure that your systems are ready. Turning off your air conditioner and switching to your heating system without proper maintenance can lead to problems later. Keeping up with yearly check-ups […]

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What Is Your Air Filter For And When To Replace It

What Is Your Air Filter For And When To Replace It

Your air filter serves as probably one of the most essential parts of your air conditioning unit. Several things come into play with how your air filter can affect your daily life. From financial to health impacts, it’s time for you to start putting this into your budget to make sure that you’re living the […]

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Swamp Cooler Vs. Refrigerated Air – Why Make The Switch?

Swamp Cooler Vs. Refrigerated Air – Why Make The Switch?

Why convert your swamp cooler to a refrigerated system? There’s a considerable difference between swamp coolers and refrigerated air. So much so that you can feel the difference the moment you walk into a room. There are a few things to understand to help you make a choice, and living in the desert makes it […]

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